The Hemp Production System is a complex system designed around the cultivation and production of hemp and related products. It is completely translated into Ukrainian and a little redesigned product design.
1. Greenhouse for growing hemp.
Large selection of modes for growing hemp, hemp grains and hemp fibers.
2. The hemp bakery
The hemp bakery produces a variety of bakery products with the addition of hemp elements.
– Bread from the hemp grain
– Hemp cookies
– Hemp halva
– jelly bears with hemp
3. The hemp factory
The hemp factory produces a variety of hemp products.
– Hemp oil
– hemp grain porridge
– Hemp fabric
– Chocolate with hemp
– Hemp paper
– hemp grain porridge
4. The sewing workshop
In a sewing workshop, clothing is made of hemp fabric.
– hemp clothes
5. The hemp factory for rope production
The factory produces a cable car product.
– hemp rope
– Hemp rope