3 different halls with 5 gates and 2 entrance doors
Small adjustments made and a completely new hall added. There is now also a drive-through hall.
Big thanks to Fuzzy86 for the help in Blender
Hall 1 Normal vehicle hall Price 90,000€ 5 gates 2 doors left right Light switch in the hall
Hall 2 Hall with storage shelves Price 93,000€ 5 gates 2 doors left right Storage shelves long side and left and right light switches in the hall
Hall 3 Hall with office extension for contractors or miscellaneous Price 95,000€ 5 gates 2 doors left right An office building is attached to the right
with office furniture a TV that you can turn on and off. The trigger for this should go behind the TV and then the trigger should pop up in the
office building, the light in front of the desk by the door is switched on and the light in the hall in the hall
a solar system can be selected or none
textures have been added in contrast to the ls22 mod completely changed
Maintenance is 40€