ARMEUS MAP map route network
– The main road routes are connected.
– All fields are connected to the main routes.
– the entire territory of the farm is connected (including parking spaces)
– the entire BGA territory is connected (including parking spaces)
– all production and points of sales are connected.
There are 2 folders with routes in the archive.
– a network of routes for the card “ARMEUSMAP V3” (map without fences) version of routes V1.3.1 – routes excluding fences.
– a network of routes for the card “ARMEUSMAP V4” (map with fences) version of routes V1.4.0 – changed routes, taking into account the fences.
You can also use the old version of the V1.3.1 routes on the V4 version (with old turns, entrances/exits – are not taken into account in this version of the fencing routes), but then you will have to remove the interfering fences through the “construction” menu yourself
If you are in the way of debugging “Ad_debug” you can disable it in the Autodrive settings.
The loading link was removed.
Read the list of changes in previous updates.
Required mods: